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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Faculdade de Direito

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Pós-graduação da FDUFC na ONU

Data da publicação: 23 de agosto de 2017 Categoria: Notícias

A Faculdade de Direito da UFC, por seu Diretor, Prof. Dr. Cândido Albuquerque, e em nome de toda a comunidade acadêmica, gratula-se em compartilhar a referência da ONU ao Programa de Pós-Graduação da nossa centenária instituição, repassada, em sessão de julho de 2017, cujo relatório, conferível em <http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/72/175>, sob as epígrafes “Education on Earth jurisprudence” e “Formal education on Earth jurisprudence”, assim textualiza: “60. In Brazil, the Federal University of Ceará offers a postgraduate law programme on the rights of Nature. The programme features the participation of scholars from other Brazilian universities who lecture on the rights of Nature, thereby strengthening collaboration across universities on the issue. 73.In Brazil, Ceará State University and the Governor of the State of Ceará hosted an international conference on the knowledge required for a planetary citizenship.[1] The objective of the conference was to address the urgent need to rethink education, reinvigorate humanism and restore planetary ethics and solidarity. In addition, a research group on advanced studies in environment and economics in international law from the law school at the Federal University of Santa Catarina is hosting an international seminar on human rights and rights of Nature in September 2017, to promote a debate on the recognition of the inextricable connection between the two. 76. Costa Rica played host to the sixth international meeting of CONPEDI, the Brazilian National Council on Research and Graduate Courses on Law, in association with the National University of Costa Rica. The sixth meeting was focused on human rights, constitutionalism and democracy. Among the topics studied and debated were environmental law, sustainability and Nature’s rights. Numerous Brazilian professors from various Brazilian universities attended the meeting, including the Federal Universities of Goiás, Santa Catarina and Ceará. Several scholars and experts of the Harmony with Nature Knowledge Network, who had participated in the United Nations dialogue on Harmony with Nature held in April 2017, also hosted a panel on Earth jurisprudence.”

Fonte: Faculdade de Direito (fone: 85 3366-7834)

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